- Plain sight encryption of useful bits such as serial numbers. Clever and very handy have that information so easily accessible.
- Google opens up its JavaScript development toolbox to all
- Facebook, MySpace, and crossdomain.xml
- I was looking at these bits to Growl System.log entries from my router with an eventual preference pane to setup searches. But not yet had time to look into it much and with GeekTool I have system.log shown on my desktop
- Searching the Grid: BigTable and Geo Searches locally
- pyrfeed, a RSS/Atom Reader and Framework using GoogleReader as a storage database. Since Google Reader has not yet released their API you can see what the guys from pyrfeed have put together
- GRiS - Google Reader iPhone Sync
- iPhone SDK Tutorial: Build a Simple RSS reader for the iPhone
- Sending HTTP GET and POST from Cocoa
- How to: HTTP POST and Google’s ClientLogin using Objective-C and the iPhone SDK
- Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library, gdata-objectivec-client
- OAuth on the iPhone
- /links/2009/11/07/whois.py or locally
- urllib2 - The Missing Manual
- Exploring Google App Engine
- JSON Framework for iPhone, parts 1, 2, 3
- MySQL Geo Search which I am using in http://rail.0gravity.co.uk/
- Google AppEngine - How to fetch more than 1000
- Simple Full Text Search for App Engine
- Geographic Queries on Google App Engine
- Rotzy Building an iPhone Photo-Sharing App on Google App Engine. locally
- HTML5, GeoLocation and Google
- Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and Decimal Degrees Latitude/Longitude Conversions
- Rob Allen's Getting Started with Zend Framework
- Set up a Zend Framework application using Zend_Application, includes tips for PHPUnit too
- rosettacode.org offers up solutions to the same task in as many different programming languages as possible
- MBProgressHUD for iPhone
- Google App Engine Launcher Options useful if you need GAE to, amongst other things, bind to a different address or port
- Howto Determining Internet Availability on iPhone
- tubestatus London Underground Line Service Updates. Open-sourced iPhone application with both PHP and Objective C bits
- Permanent logins with PHP sessions
- 10 Free Website Thumbnail Generation Services
- ffmpegX is a video/audio encoder for Mac OS X
- The West Highland Weekend - looks like an awesome relaxing train ride. Would love to do this some time.
- Bluga.net WebThumb provides a white-label web service API for generating web thumbnails and full size snapshots of websites.
- The law that can save you money is a post from MoneyWeek on the Sale of Goods Act
- Archiving Twitter data with Python
- A2Sdeveloper.com resources for Developers Using Amazon's Product Advertising API
- Amazon E-Commerce Service Developer Guide and Amazon E-Commerce Service
- fakemail is a fake mail server that captures emails as files for acceptance testing
- Flash outgoing mail in Ruby on Rails development
- ActionMailerTLS This gem makes it trivial to send email through a Gmail account or a Google Apps for business email account
- zxing Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library with clients for Android, Java and iPhone