Links for 29 January 2010
- If you're looking to make iPhone friendly websites then you can't go wrong with jQTouch and this cheat sheet
- AppDailySales is a Python script to download iTunes Connect daily sales reports.
- I've not used anything other than the stock Zend_Db classes (and then only slightly) but this interesting post, Integrate Propel with the Zend Framework, by Mike seems to cover some useful bits in getting started. And if you're looking for a reason why to move away from Zend_Db then Why I Prefer Propel over Zend_Db_Table is worth a read.
- And of course on the other side of the coin we've got Doctrine with a nice introductory post, Zend Framework and Doctrine. Part 1, by Juozas
- Autoloading Doctrine and Doctrine entities from Zend Framework
- Monitoring iPhone web traffic (with Fiddler) - must see if there is an OSX way of doing this.
- iPhone
- Fun With UIButtons and Core Animation Layers details some cool effects you can create.
- 5 key-value coding approaches in Cocoa
- Resize/Scale of an Image
- NSLog(@"The value of the bool is %@\n", (theBool ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
- iPhone reachability checking
- iPhone Piracy Protection Code
- Component-based logging for Objective-C applications
- Mac OS X
- While searching in spotlight you can use Command+i to get info on whatever file is highlighted
- Invoking "Play in iTunes DJ" on a selection beginning with the currently-playing track adds the selection to the front of the iTunes DJ queue and makes that track the currently-playing iTunes DJ item, without interruption.
- I knew you could press the option key on the keyboard to bring up the boot menu but apparently the Apple remote control works too. See One way to access the Mac's boot menu
- Set time of deletion for files placed in the Trash
- Run full OS X installer for another drive without rebooting
- Delete large numbers of duplicate emails from
- Modify default custom print settings in 10.5 and 10.6
- Explaining odd entries in 'df' output
- Format String for the iPhone NSDateFormatter has handy references of what you need to use to access the date/time parts.
- Automating AppViz Downloads
- Asteroid simple app for running scripts and recording the results
- Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment
- Processing large files with sed and awk
- Scheduling Tasks with Cron Jobs - handy reference as a refresher. Afraid I'm not editing cron jobs often enough to memorise the order!
- An API for the Web: Learning YQL
- Macistrano is a Mac OS X client for Webistrano, a web-based user interface for managing Capistrano deployments. (With Growl support)
- Converting from Mercurial to Git
- 6 programming project mistakes you should avoid lists things that everyone should take care to avoid.
- Writing a Zend_Auth_Adapter with Doctrine (Screencast)
- Create RESTful Applications Using The Zend Framework - parts 1 / 2
- Logging in Users using Doctrine and Zend_Auth (Screencast)
- Using Zend_Paginator with Twitter API and Zend_Cache
- Creating Usable Forms With Zend Framework
- List of cities by latitude
- Rails Magazine - fine articles on Ruby & Rails