Links for 06 February 2010
- Some Zend Framework tips and tricks
- Keeping your HTML valid with Zend Framework, Tidy and Firebug
- Managing CSS and JavaScript files within a Zend Framework App. We've been doing a similar thing at work where all CSS/JS files are separated. Except we only send through controller/action specific JS/CSS when we need to rather than all the time.
- Matthew Weier O'Phinney talks about creating re-usable Zend_Application resource plugins
- Mac OS X
- Movist The Real Alternative to VLC for Mac
- Automount Samba (Windows) shares as needed
- Follow both sides of a threaded discussion in Mail
- Search Address Book from Terminal. Some interesting field names in the SQL there...
- iPhone
- TUAW talks about browser-based previews and URL tricks. They go over some URL formats you can use to link to the web-view of your AppStore application. Also included is some code to allow people to break out of your application to rate it.
- ManiacDev on howto create great looking UIButtons
- Rotate an Image or Button with Animation
- Finding the cause of performance issues in your programs details memory profiling on the Mac
- Bulletproof backups for MySQL
- SublimeVideo is an HTML5 Video Player that has no browser plugin or Flash dependencies. Future support for IE will be added by falling back to Flash
- 8 Chrome Extensions For Web Developers
- WordPress for Android is now available and is based on wpToGo where you can find the source. The "new comment notification" that Wordpress for Android offers is quite cool.
- James Padolsey has conjured up a useful utility allowing you to easily view the code behind the jQuery library. It's available here but more detail on the associated blog post
- cucumber nagios lets you describe how a system should work in natural language, and outputs whether it does in the Nagios plugin format
- Wufoo bill themselves as "the easiest way to collect information over the Internet" and this tutorial, The Quickest (and Best) Way to Create Forms: Wufoo should get you started. Could be useful in some projects.
- QUnit is developed by the jQuery team and a great way to test your JavaScript. You can get an introduction to it at How to Test your JavaScript Code with QUnit