- Cocoa with Love: An RSS-feed and location-based iOS application "The purpose of this post is so that I will have a link to give people when they ask: how do I write an iOS application that pulls data from an RSS feed, displays it pretty and can put things on a map. I'll show you all of that and more as I rewrite my oldest iOS application from scratch: FuelView"
- jQuery Plugin Boilerplate for jump-starting jQuery plugins development filled with yummy comments.
- JavaScript interview questions James Padolsey contains useful bits to look at and makes me realise there is a lot I don't know.
- WNHDB3004 dubbed the 3DHD wireless home theatre networking kit. Apparently highly recommended (if somewhat pricy)
- jQuery plugin: Tablesorter 2.0 is very cool and works well except for the fact that it seems extremely buggy in the project I'm trying to implement it...
- PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
- Burning A Lion Boot Disc
- REDbot is a useful tool that shows you the full HTTP headers your web server is sending out and makes recommendations on where things could be improved.
- Build a Neat HTML5 Powered Contact Form In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a swanky HTML5 AJAX powered contact form. The form will use some of the new HTML5 input elements
- Create and Code Your Own Juicy Tag Cloud! "Today we're firing it up with a tutorial on how to design and code your own juicy tag cloud using Photoshop, CSS3, and a few small images!"